Always A Good Time To Worship

Coming into the launch of our Simply Elegant program season we wanted to start off right, with prayer and praise. The Delaware Valley Youth Federation joined us in sponsoring this worship service, which was held at the Mizpah SDA Church on November 3, 2018. We were honored to have Pastor Jimmie Gibson as our Master of Ceremonies as well a host of representatives from numerous churches throughout the Delaware Valley area.

Our guest speakers spoke on the Importance of Service (Christopher Johnson, North Phila. SDA Church), Importance of Scholarship (Stanley Collins, North Phila. SDA Church), Importance of Society (Pastor Shawn Fordham, Lansdowne SDA Church), and Academic and Personal Vision (Pastor Carlos McConico, Ebenezer SDA Church).

Musical and mime selections throughout the program were provided by the Jerusalem French Youth Choir, Bethel Worship Center, Glassboro SDA and others.

Our program was ended with a powerful dedication ceremony lead by Pastor Patrick Graham (AEC Youth Ministries Leader). The young people walked to the front of the sanctuary, as small “candles” were given out to the congregation. All the area leaders and pastors present then surrounded the young people as the sanctuary lights were turned off. A fluid prayer began by candlelight across the entire room. We prayed over their trials and celebrations. We prayed over their future. We prayed over the examples that as adults we would be to and for them.

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