Let's Break The Ice

After an anointed prayer by Willow Grove's Pastor William Hall over our staff, we opened the doors of Ivy Hill Christian Academy for Simply Elegant's first informational meeting.  Program hostess Lisa Tynes, greeted the young ladies and young men as they entered the school's chapel.  The prospective students were accompanied by their parents or family member.  There was a tone of excitement mixed with intrigue in the air.

Roxanne Hall, director, went through staff introductions before asking the attendees to introduce themselves.  It was a blessing to see that in only a few short weeks of promotion, we had several of the Delaware Valley area churches represented.  Our co-director Rochelle Hall, took to the floor and gave an overview of the Simply Elegant Cotillion-Beautillion program and its expectations. Parents were given an opportunity to discuss their immediate questions and concerns, before Pastor John Hall of New Life closed out our meeting with prayer.

We look forward to following up with our prospective families and hope to see them in the Fall, at the start of our program year!


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